Rubber adapted to the texture of the mud, which is used in the Improved Vehicle Features.
- Models to 1320 poly
- Adapted to the wheels, which are used as tuning parts
- DFF and 3DS format
Внимание!!! Все файловые архивы, расположенные на сайте - являются оригинальными архивами, без каких-либо модификаций от сторонних лиц. Большинство архивов имеют разрешение 7z и RAR. Для их распаковки используйте утилиту 7-Zip File Manager. Старайтесь не скачивать данные модификации с других ресурсов, ибо неизвестно, что там.
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Here especially careful: - Author site specify when placing on other sites is necessary. It is an important directive for all, without exception!
- For incorrect installation, I will not be responsible for loss of property or distortion of your data. Read carefully the contents of the document "Read me".
- It is forbidden to spread modifications by YourCreatedHell on the site because of personal differences.
- It is forbidden to add this modification to the automatic installers. The reason is that such automated installer does not correctly compile difficult modifications.
- It is forbidden to convert models and textures in other games without the permission of the author.
- It is forbidden to use the models and textures for commercial gain.
- It is forbidden modifications to rename. The modification must be under its original name.
- It is forbidden assign the copyrights itself.
- Do not use this modification in any global mods. This is due to the fact that you are promoting a global modification of the labor of others.
- Do not spread the modification on file sharing and earn foreign labor.
- When placing the file archive, forbidden modify or delete the document "Read me." The whole archive should be in the same condition.
Free download files can only the registered users, and those who are not in groups Banned.
All materials belong to their respective owners. The site is something like a blog about a specific topic, and is not intended as a large social network. Resource is not optimized for some browsers.